

全0件中 0件を表示(1ページあたり12を表示)

stdClass Object ( [id] => 1416 [parent_id] => 1414 [site_id] => 19 [account_id] => 4 [rank] => 6 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [release_password] => [format_type] => listFormat [format_id] => [name] => WORK [catch] => [comment] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [directory_name] => work [directory_path] => work [template_name] => fixedFormat.tpl [url] => [page_limit] => 12 [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-04-10 10:37:40 [created_date] => 2023-02-01 16:08:19 [site_directory] => hokushin [domain] => [release_password_status] => [uri] => /home/iimo2/www/site/hokushin/work [children] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1420 [parent_id] => 1416 [site_id] => 19 [account_id] => 5 [rank] => 7 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [release_password] => [format_type] => link [format_id] => [name] => TVCM [catch] => [comment] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [directory_name] => tvcm [directory_path] => [template_name] => [url] =>[]=TVCM [page_limit] => 12 [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2023-12-14 17:07:20 [created_date] => 2023-02-09 18:49:53 [site_directory] => hokushin [domain] => [release_password_status] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1422 [parent_id] => 1416 [site_id] => 19 [account_id] => 5 [rank] => 8 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [release_password] => [format_type] => link [format_id] => [name] => RADIO [catch] => [comment] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [directory_name] => radio [directory_path] => [template_name] => [url] =>[]=RADIO [page_limit] => 20 [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2023-12-14 17:07:20 [created_date] => 2023-03-02 11:04:26 [site_directory] => hokushin [domain] => [release_password_status] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1424 [parent_id] => 1416 [site_id] => 19 [account_id] => 5 [rank] => 9 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [release_password] => [format_type] => link [format_id] => [name] => NEWSPAPER [catch] => [comment] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [directory_name] => newspaper [directory_path] => [template_name] => [url] =>[]=NEWSPAPER [page_limit] => 20 [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2023-12-14 17:07:20 [created_date] => 2023-03-02 11:05:17 [site_directory] => hokushin [domain] => [release_password_status] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1423 [parent_id] => 1416 [site_id] => 19 [account_id] => 5 [rank] => 10 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [release_password] => [format_type] => link [format_id] => [name] => MAGAZINE [catch] => [comment] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [directory_name] => magazine [directory_path] => [template_name] => [url] =>[]=MAGAZINE [page_limit] => 20 [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2023-12-14 17:07:20 [created_date] => 2023-03-02 11:04:45 [site_directory] => hokushin [domain] => [release_password_status] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1521 [parent_id] => 1416 [site_id] => 19 [account_id] => 5 [rank] => 11 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [release_password] => [format_type] => link [format_id] => [name] => EVENT [catch] => [comment] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [directory_name] => event [directory_path] => [template_name] => [url] =>[]=EVENT [page_limit] => 20 [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2023-12-14 17:07:20 [created_date] => 2023-12-14 12:31:48 [site_directory] => hokushin [domain] => [release_password_status] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1527 [parent_id] => 1416 [site_id] => 19 [account_id] => 5 [rank] => 12 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [release_password] => [format_type] => link [format_id] => [name] => OTHERS [catch] => [comment] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [directory_name] => others [directory_path] => [template_name] => [url] =>[]=OTHERS [page_limit] => 20 [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2023-12-14 17:07:20 [created_date] => 2023-12-14 17:07:14 [site_directory] => hokushin [domain] => [release_password_status] => ) ) [structures] => host\cms\repository\pageStructureRepository Object ( [_status] => 1 [_message] => [_valid] => [_invalid] => [_lastId] => [select:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => ps.*, as account_name, m.module_theme, m.module_type, m.template [from:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => page_structure_tbl ps LEFT JOIN m_page_module_tbl m ON ps.module_id = LEFT JOIN account_tbl a ON ps.account_id = [where:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ps.delete_kbn IS NULL [1] => ps.site_id = :site_id [2] => ps.navigation_id = :navigation_id [3] => ps.release_kbn = :release_kbn AND (ps.release_start_date IS NULL || DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y-%m-%d') >= DATE_FORMAT(ps.release_start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')) AND (ps.release_end_date IS NULL || DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y-%m-%d') <= DATE_FORMAT(ps.release_end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')) ) ) [value:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [:site_id] => 19 [:navigation_id] => 1416 [:release_kbn] => 1 ) [page] => 0 [limit] => [order:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => ps.rank ASC [group_by:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_separator:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [json_decode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [rowNumber] => 3 [totalNumber] => 3 [pageNumber] => 0 [pageRange] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [row] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2552 [site_id] => 19 [navigation_id] => 1416 [module_id] => 295 [account_id] => [rank] => 1 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [name] => 固定ページヘッダー [html] => <header> <div class="bg-dark p-5-6"> <div class="d-lg-block d-none"> <div class="row align-items-center w-100"> <div class="col-xl-6 col-lg-4"> <img src="" style="width: 150px"> </div> <div class="col-xl-6 col-lg-8"> 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</a> </li> <li class="mx-sm-5 mx-3"> <a href="#"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <div class="change-color-white" style="font-size: 36px"> ABOUT </div> <div class="mx-5 arrow_r_b-sp mt-2"> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class="mx-sm-5 mx-3"> <a href="#"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <div class="change-color-white" style="font-size: 36px"> CONTACT </div> <div class="mx-5 arrow_r_b-sp mt-2"> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class="mx-sm-5 mx-3"> <a href="#"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <div class="change-color-white" style="font-size: 36px"> RECRUIT </div> <div class="mx-5 arrow_r_b-sp mt-2"> </div> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> [htmlparts] => [o_navigation_id] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2023-02-09 12:17:01 [created_date] => 2023-02-02 18:30:30 [account_name] => [module_theme] => default [module_type] => template [template] => header_navigation2.tpl [data] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2558 [site_id] => 19 [navigation_id] => 1416 [module_id] => 299 [account_id] => [rank] => 3 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [name] => works [html] => <div class="container"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center my-5"> <div class="mb-0 fw-bold fz-48-36">WORKS </div> <div class="py-3 mx-md-5 mx-3" style="border-right: solid 3px #a54040"> </div> <div style="font-size: 16px">これまでの実績 </div> </div> <div class="row justify-content-center p-5 my-5 g-5"> <div> <span class="badge bg-blue">2023.02月.d</span> <h2 class="text-center py-5"> 只今、配信の記事はありません。 </h2> </div> </div> </div> [htmlparts] => [o_navigation_id] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2023-02-09 12:16:23 [created_date] => 2023-02-08 11:59:52 [account_name] => [module_theme] => default [module_type] => template [template] => list_works.tpl [data] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2551 [site_id] => 19 [navigation_id] => 1416 [module_id] => 296 [account_id] => [rank] => 5 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [name] => 固定ページフッター [html] => <footer class="bg-dark mt-5 py-md-5 pt-0 pb-5"> <div class="container container-sp py-5"> <div class="d-md-flex py-5 align-items-center text-md-start text-center border-bottom-sp"> <img src="" style="width: 150px"> <p class="text-white mx-md-5 px-md-5 mb-0 mt-md-0 mt-5 fw-bold"> 株式会社アドックスホクシン </p> </div> </div> <!--フッターメニューpc--> <div class="container container-sp d-md-block d-none" style="padding-bottom: 8rem"> <div class="d-md-flex my-5 py-5 global-menu justify-content-between"> <div class="text-white"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 mx-3" href="">HOME</a> </div> <div class="text-white menu"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 mx-3" href="">SURVICE</a> <ul class="pt-4 ps-0 child-menu text-start" style="list-style: none"> <li><a href="" 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href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> <li class="pt-3"> <a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="text-white menu"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 mx-3" href="">ABOUT</a> <ul class="pt-4 ps-0 child-menu text-start" style="list-style: none"> <li><a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a></li> <li class="pt-3"> <a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> <li class="pt-3"> <a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> <li class="pt-3"> <a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="text-white menu"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 mx-3" href="">CONTANCT</a> <ul class="pt-4 ps-0 child-menu text-start" style="list-style: none"> <li><a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a></li> <li class="pt-3"> <a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> <li class="pt-3"> <a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> <li class="pt-3"> <a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="text-white menu"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 mx-3" href="">RECRUIT</a> <ul class="pt-4 ps-0 child-menu text-start" style="list-style: none"> <li><a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a></li> <li class="pt-3"> <a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> <li class="pt-3"> <a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> <li class="pt-3"> <a href="" style="color: #9b9b9b">サブメニュー</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!--フッターメニューsp--> <div class="d-flex mb-5 pb-5 global-menu justify-content-between d-block d-md-none" style="flex-wrap: wrap"> <div class="text-white" style="width: calc(100% / 3)"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 text-center fz-20" href="">HOME</a> </div> <div class="text-white menu" style="width: calc(100% / 3)"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 text-center fz-20" href="">SURVICE</a> </div> <div class="text-white menu" style="width: calc(100% / 3)"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 text-center fz-20" href="">WORK</a> </div> <div class="text-white menu pt-4" style="width: calc(100% / 3)"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 text-center fz-20" href="">NEWS</a> </div> <div class="text-white menu pt-4" style="width: calc(100% / 3)"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 text-center fz-20" href="">ABOUT</a> </div> <div class="text-white menu pt-4" style="width: calc(100% / 3)"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 text-center fz-20" href="">CONTANCT</a> </div> <div class="text-white menu pt-4" style="width: calc(100% / 3)"> <a class="text-white nav-ugoki pb-3 text-center fz-20" href="">RECRUIT</a> </div> </div> <div class="container container-sp"> <div class="mt-5 border-top-sp"> <p class="text-white pt-md-0 pt-5"> ©株式会社 アドックスホクシン CO,LTD.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED </p> </div> </div> </footer> [htmlparts] => [o_navigation_id] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2023-02-09 12:16:23 [created_date] => 2023-02-02 18:30:25 [account_name] => [module_theme] => default [module_type] => template [template] => footer_navigation.tpl [data] => stdClass Object ( ) ) ) [post] => [backup_table_flg] => [bk_id] => [id] => [site_id] => 19 [navigation_id] => 1416 [module_id] => [release_kbn] => 1 [site_uri] => [preview_page_post] => [preview_structure_post] => ) [elements] => host\cms\repository\pageRepository Object ( [_status] => [_message] => [_valid] => [_invalid] => [_lastId] => [select:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => p.*, n.directory_name, n.directory_path, n.parent_id [from:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => page_tbl p LEFT JOIN page_content_tbl c ON p.site_id = c.site_id AND = c.page_id LEFT JOIN navigation_tbl n ON p.site_id = n.site_id AND p.navigation_id = [where:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => p.delete_kbn IS NULL AND c.delete_kbn IS NULL [1] => p.site_id = :site_id [2] => p.navigation_id = :navigation_id [3] => c.field_id = :field_id [4] => p.release_kbn = :release_kbn AND (p.release_start_date IS NULL || now() >= p.release_start_date) AND (p.release_end_date IS NULL || now() <= p.release_end_date) [5] => c.field_id = :field_id AND (c.value LIKE :value0) ) ) [value:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [:site_id] => 19 [:navigation_id] => 1416 [:field_id] => 1525 [:release_kbn] => 1 [:value0] => %"RADIO"% ) [page] => 0 [limit] => 12 [order:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => p.release_start_date DESC [group_by:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_separator:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [json_decode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [rowNumber] => 0 [totalNumber] => 0 [pageNumber] => 0 [pageRange] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [row] => Array ( ) [post] => [bk_content_id] => [id] => [site_id] => 19 [navigation_id] => 1416 [navigation_ids] => [format_type] => [page_id] => [release_kbn] => 1 [content_id] => [field_id] => 1525 [field_value] => [module_id] => [content_type] => [content_value] => [content_values] => Array ( [0] => RADIO ) [restore_datetime] => [keyword] => [befor_name] => [after_name] => [preview_post] => [page_url] => ) ) 1